Why Retrochrome?

In my younger years, I had my ears pierced, but bid them farewell thanks to my unexpected metal allergies. Fast forward to high school, where my attempt at a stylish comeback turned into a quest for the elusive: cute designs in top-notch metals that wouldn't give my ears attitude.

After a series of earring escapades, I took matters into my own hands and started crafting my own gems. It hit me – perhaps others would fancy my styles too! Fast forward through the years, and my collection has blossomed beyond earrings, embracing various jewelry types. The plan? Keep expanding with products that stay true to our handmade values. The jewelry adventure continues!

Meet the owner

Hey there, I'm Taylor, the brains (and heart) behind Retrochrome! While my academic journey led me through to Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management at the University of Wyoming, I have always had a love for art. So, not long after graduating, I dove headfirst into the exhilarating world of starting my brand.

I have a deep love for all thing outdoors and am grateful to live in a place that provides such awe-inspiring beauty. In my work, you can see the Rocky Mountain inspiration greatly.

Photo by Summer Gonzales -- Endless Summer Photography

Meet the VP

Say hello to Mildred, our VP (Vice Paws-ident) and the mastermind behind all things bark-tastic in our business. Her role is no joke – she's the fur-ociously dedicated maestro of product oversight, ensuring our products meet the highest standards of paw-some perfection. And yes, she takes her job very seriously, especially when it comes to orchestrating mandatory breaks. Who can blame her? Those tail-wagging moments of inspiration are pure gold!

Learn more about Retrochrome creations

Business Trivia

When was Retrochrome Creations founded?

Spring, 2021

Where are we located?

Laramie, WY

Where is the owner from?

Dallas, TX

What type of dog is Mildred?

They told me she was a blue healer, but I think she has some border collie in her.

What is our favorite color?
